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Ultimul comentariu: acum 3 ani de Tgeorgescu în subiectul Finkelstein


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„Incidentally, all defections are from the traditional ‘majority’ to the Low Chronology ‘minority’.”
—Israel Finkelstein, A Great United Monarchy? Archaeological and Historical Perspectives

Citat de Tgeorgescu (discuție) 19 iulie 2019 03:23 (EEST)Răspunde

De fapt scopul carierei lui Finkelstein nu e să denigreze Biblia. Pentru el veridicitatea Bibliei are o importanță secundară. El nici nu o neagă în totalitate, nici nu o afirmă în totalitate. De importanță primară pentru el este corectitudinea istorică și arheologică. Dacă arheologia confirmă Biblia, bine, dacă o neagă, iarăși bine. El e de fapt neutru cu privire la Biblie. Tgeorgescu (discuție) 21 septembrie 2020 11:10 (EEST)Răspunde


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Christine Hayes says "And it was explicitly referred to as biblical archaeology — an interesting name, because it suggests that the archaeologists were out there searching for evidence that would verify the details of the biblical text. We're doing biblical archaeology; archeology in support of the biblical text. [...] Increasingly, practitioners of what was now being termed Palestinian archaeology, or Ancient Near Eastern archaeology, or archaeology of the Levant, rather than biblical archaeology — some of these archaeologists grew disinterested in pointing out the correlations between the archaeological data and the biblical stories or in trying to explain away any discrepancies in order to keep the biblical text intact." Tgeorgescu (discuție) 19 noiembrie 2019 04:29 (EET)Răspunde