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Me and My MOM
Turnul Babel
Acest utilizator locuiește în România.
Acest utilizator locuiește în
județul Brașov.
ro Acest utilizator este un vorbitor nativ al limbii române.
en-4 This user speaks English at a near-native level.
fr-3 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau avancé de français.
Caută utilizatori
după diverse criterii
Acestui utilizator îi plac
desenele animate
Acest utilizator este Săgetător.
Acestui utilizator îi place să facă fotografii.
Acestui utilizator îi place să citească opere de ficțiune.
Acestui utilizator îi place să joace spades,rentz,romanian whist.
Acest utilizator este membru CouchSurfing.
Acest utilizator contribuie folosind Microsoft Windows XP.
lin Acest utilizator contribuie folosind o versiune de Linux.

Mozilla Firefox Acest utilizator contribuie folosind Mozilla Firefox.
Internet Explorer Acest utilizator contribuie folosind Internet Explorer
Google Acest utilizator folosește Google drept principal motor de căutare.

Well as for a start I must say that I’m a very talkative and enthusiastic person – I like communicating with everybody so be ready for talking a lot – but sometimes I need breaks so there might be constructive moments of silence – I enjoy these moments but I’m an adaptable person so I’m trying to adapt as much as I can to my guest behavior but I also require the same thing from my guests.

Anything else: oh yeah I got blue eyes, dark blond hair and I’m “sexy” – I’m just joking of course this is for those that should realize CS isn’t a dating service site :grin:.

Otherwise I’m a very sociable person and I enjoy having good conversations with anyone that has something to say sometimes nonsense discussions are good for just pretending to have a conversation but it’s not what interests me. I’m a language freak and a computer “geek” LOL, but I guess I can have fun anyways and I like partying and organizing parties.

Meeting new interesting people!!! I'm interested in meeting people that are coming in Romania to know the country, its people, its culture and lifestyle. I don't like people that use me, push me away or take me as a 3rd party between him and his gf and I need to keep the candle so that he could have sex with her.

View from my room
  • Parties:

- well I always like to get down on the floor dance and get lunatic or show off on the dance floor;

- I definitely like to organize private parties and you’ll never regret attending one of them.

  • Drinking:

- Well this could be the huge LOL section – well I could say drinking it’s not really an interest but when you judge about the parties it’s a related thing so…

- I like drinking but not till I get smashed or anything like that: good shots of vodka, tequila or any other type of cocktails;

- But I also enjoy drinking lots of juices, especially nectar( my favorite is bananas and strawberries).

  • Food:

- I eat it all and I think the subject it’s closed and food is something I’ll definitely try everywhere I’ll travel.

  • Sports:

- Well I’m more of a winter sports fan(skiing, snowboarding);

- But I enjoy watching at swimming, curling, handball or volleyball;

- And lately I’ve been really fascinated by paragliding.

  • Photos

- Well it's my favorite thing

- Just watch out you’ll never know when I’ll take an instant shot of you with my cam – I think instant shots done when you don’t even realize what happened are much more cool then those prepared pictures that you take minutes to set your camera and stuff to take a picture – “it’s live the moment baby”

- But I also like taking pictures of landscapes and especially sunsets and the shapes and colors of clouds at sunset.

  • Traveling:

- I guess this requires no specifications