Discuție Utilizator:Paloi Sciurala
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Imi poti spune de ce ai sters pagina de Wikipedia pentru artistul Candyboii ?
[modificare sursă]Ai invocat motivul Fără demonstrare a notabilității subiectului insa in ultimul timp, daca te-ai fi interesat macar, candyboii e un artist tot mai in voga, iar daca cauti oriunde pe google gasesti foarte putine informatii despre el sau chiar deloc. Asadar am scris un articol complex despre acesta care ar raspunde la 80% sau chiar 90% din intrebarile publicului iar la nici 10 minute l-ai sters. Te rog sa cauti pe google trends candyboii apoi sa cauti orice animal despre care ai scris vreodata un articol si sa imi spui care e mai popular, abia atunci putem vorbi despre notabilitate. Credeam ca wikipedia e o enciclopedia gratis insa vad ca poti afla informatii doar daca "Paloi Sciurala" doreste. Daca doresti chiar asa o cenzura iti recomand sa te muti in Koreea de Nord. Astept un raspuns, multumesc anticipat. Lucasstefann (discuție) 7 septembrie 2024 22:44 (EEST)
- @Lucasstefann: Confunzi notabilitatea (așa cum este aceasta definită în jargonul Wikipediei) cu popularitatea. Orice articol Wikipedia trebuie să aibă ca subiect un subiect notabil. Pentru a dovedi notabilitatea unui anumit subiect, trebuie precizate 1. multiple surse 2. de încredere 3. independente de subiect 4. care vorbesc pe larg despre subiect. Vezi rezumatul. Dacă subiectul respectiv nu este notabil, Wikipedia nu acceptă un articol pe acel subiect sub niciun fel.
- iar daca cauti oriunde pe google [...] nici 10 minute l-ai sters. – Wikipedia nu acceptă cercetare originală și nu este locul potrivit unde să promovezi un subiect nenotabil. Dacă subiectul nu este notabil, nu este treaba Wikipediei să îl facă notabil.
- Și atenție la ton, căci cu un asemenea ton nu se ajunge prea departe pe Wikipedia. Locația mea nu te privește. --Paloi Sciurala (discuție|contribuții) 7 septembrie 2024 23:02 (EEST)
- Scuza-ma dar nu stiu cu ce ton te-as putea aborda dupa ce am scris o ora un articol si in maxim 5 minute il stergi dupa ce am specificat clar la sectiunea de notite ca articolul inca nu este gata ! L-am salvat ca sa nu imi pierd munca din ultima ora, urma sa adaug surse, hyperlink-uri, etc. Lucasstefann (discuție) 7 septembrie 2024 23:13 (EEST)
- Nu confund popularitatea cu notabilitatea, fiindca amandoi stim ca popularitatea poate contribui la nivelul de notabilitate. De altfel persoana despre care am scris a fost subiectul a mai multor articole social-media, acesta a aparut si la emisiuni televizate. Cat despre surse, fiind un artist nou pe piata, acest lucru ma obliga ca natura surselor sa fie una neoficiala. Iar daca un artist care are 40.000 de ascultatori lunari pe platforma de streaming Spotify si peste 400.000 de vizualizari la unele videoclipuri muzicale nu e notabil, atunci nu vad ce artist nou din Romania ar fi. Lucasstefann (discuție) 7 septembrie 2024 23:28 (EEST)
- Numărul de ascultători și numărul de vizualizări sunt irelevante. Multe dintre articolele social-media și emisiunile sunt de neîncredere și/sau neindependente. Articolele Wikipedia nu se scriu pe bază de „surse neoficiale” (însemnând surse de neîncredere combinate cu cercetare originală?). --Paloi Sciurala (discuție|contribuții) 7 septembrie 2024 23:50 (EEST)
- Nu era necesara protejarea articolului pana in 9 septembrie 2025. Poate cineva se descurca mai bine ca mine si vrea sa scrie iar articolul in viitorul apropiat. Lucasstefann (discuție) 7 septembrie 2024 23:51 (EEST)
- Vad ca esti informat in legatura cu articolele wikipedia. De exemplu la data lui de nastere ce ar trebui sa citez ? Certificatul lui de nastere ? Intreg articolul a fost bazat pe cercetare originala si tot era adevarat. Nu am cum sa am niste surse daca inca nu exista desi artistul e relativ mare. Lucasstefann (discuție) 7 septembrie 2024 23:54 (EEST)
- Ajuta-ma te rog sa inteleg. Trebuie sa astept ca cineva sa scrie un articol pe internet ca sa pot avea o sursa de incredere, desi eu il cunosc pe artist si stiu aproape totul despre el ? ;)))) Lucasstefann (discuție) 8 septembrie 2024 00:02 (EEST)
- Articolele Wikipedia se scriu exclusiv pe baza surselor de încredere, deci niciodată pe baza cunoștințelor personale ale wikipediștilor.
- Presupunând că subiectul ar fi notabil, dacă nu ar exista sursă de încredere pentru data de naștere, atunci nu s-ar cita nimic pentru că nu ar exista în primul rând niciun text care să necesite citare. Procesul este „surse --> conținut” (adică „citesc mai multe surse de încredere și apoi compun un text în care am grijă să citez sursele respective pentru fiecare afirmație”), nu „conținut --> surse” (adică „scriu un text pe baza a ceea ce știu eu din propria mea experiență și abia apoi caut surse, asta dacă ele există măcar”).
- În altă ordine de idei, dacă un articol este alcătuit exclusiv din cercetare originală („Intreg articolul a fost bazat pe cercetare originala”), acel articol poate fi șters, căci nu există conținut relevant pentru Wikipedia în acel articol.
- Cât despre faptul că ai cunoaște personal subiectul: Wikipedia:Autobiografii și Wikipedia:Conflict de interese. --Paloi Sciurala (discuție|contribuții) 8 septembrie 2024 00:44 (EEST)
- @Lucasstefann: Care este legătura dumneavoastră cu utilizatorul Lucasstefan2101 și cu tentativele anterioare repetate de creare a paginii Candyboii (ștearsă de patru ori în 2023)? --Pafsanias (discuție) 8 septembrie 2024 00:54 (EEST)
- Dragoș V'o dă acest articol este destul de notabil ? Lucasstefann (discuție) 10 septembrie 2024 17:19 (EEST)
- Dacă credeți că un articol tratează un subiect nenotabil, sunteți liber să îl propuneți pentru ștergere. Însă asta nu are nimic de a face cu niciun alt articol. --Paloi Sciurala (discuție|contribuții) 11 septembrie 2024 15:57 (EEST)
- Numărul de ascultători și numărul de vizualizări sunt irelevante. Multe dintre articolele social-media și emisiunile sunt de neîncredere și/sau neindependente. Articolele Wikipedia nu se scriu pe bază de „surse neoficiale” (însemnând surse de neîncredere combinate cu cercetare originală?). --Paloi Sciurala (discuție|contribuții) 7 septembrie 2024 23:50 (EEST)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-37
[modificare sursă]Please be bold and help translate this article!
The Cappadocian calendar was a solar calendar that was derived from the Persian Zoroastrian calendar. It is named after the historic region Cappadocia in present-day Turkey, where it was used. The calendar, which had 12 months of 30 days each and five epagomenal days, originated between 550 and 330 BC, when Cappadocia was part of the Persian Achaemenid Empire. The Cappadocian calendar was identical to the Zoroastrian calendar; this can be seen in its structure, in the Avestan names and in the order of the months. The Cappadocian calendar reflects the Iranian cultural influence in the region.
(Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
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--MediaWiki message delivery (discuție) 9 septembrie 2024 04:42 (EEST)
Tech News: 2024-37
[modificare sursă]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Feature news
- Starting this week, the standard syntax highlighter will receive new colors that make them compatible in dark mode. This is the first of many changes to come as part of a major upgrade to syntax highlighting. You can learn more about what's to come on the help page. [1][2]
- Editors of wikis using Wikidata will now be notified of only relevant Wikidata changes in their watchlist. This is because the Lua functions
will have their logic unified for tracking different aspects of sitelinks to reduce junk notifications from inconsistent sitelinks tracking. [3]
Project updates
- Users of all Wikis will have access to Wikimedia sites as read-only for a few minutes on September 25, starting at 15:00 UTC. This is a planned datacenter switchover for maintenance purposes. More information will be published in Tech News and will also be posted on individual wikis in the coming weeks. [4]
- Contributors of 11 Wikipedias, including English will have a new
namespace added to their Wikipedias. This improvement ensures that links beginning withMOS:
(usually shortcuts to the Manual of Style) are not broken by Mooré Wikipedia (language codemos
). [5]
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MediaWiki message delivery 9 septembrie 2024 21:53 (EEST)
Books & Bytes – Issue 64
[modificare sursă]The Wikipedia Library: Books & Bytes
Issue 64, July – August 2024
- The Hindu Group joins The Wikipedia Library
- Wikimania presentation
- New user script for easily searching The Wikipedia Library
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of The Wikipedia Library team --11 septembrie 2024 19:35 (EEST)
Tech News: 2024-38
[modificare sursă]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Improvements and Maintenance
- Editors interested in templates can help by reading the latest Wishlist focus area, Template recall and discovery, and share your feedback on the talkpage. This input helps the Community Tech team to decide the right technical approach to build. Everyone is also encouraged to continue adding new wishes.
- The new automated Special:NamespaceInfo page helps editors understand which namespaces exist on each wiki, and some details about how they are configured. Thanks to DannyS712 for these improvements. [6]
- References Check is a feature that encourages editors to add a citation when they add a new paragraph to a Wikipedia article. For a short time, the corresponding tag "Edit Check (references) activated" was erroneously being applied to some edits outside of the main namespace. This has been fixed. [7]
- It is now possible for a wiki community to change the order in which a page’s categories are displayed on their wiki. By default, categories are displayed in the order they appear in the wikitext. Now, wikis with a consensus to do so can request a configuration change to display them in alphabetical order. [8]
- Tool authors can now access ToolsDB's public databases from both Quarry and Superset. Those databases have always been accessible to every Toolforge user, but they are now more broadly accessible, as Quarry can be accessed by anyone with a Wikimedia account. In addition, Quarry's internal database can now be queried from Quarry itself. This database contains information about all queries that are being run and starred by users in Quarry. This information was already public through the web interface, but you can now query it using SQL. You can read more about that, and 20 other community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week.
- Any pages or tools that still use the very old CSS classes
need to be updated. These old classes will be removed next week or soon afterwards. Editors can use a global-search to determine what needs to be changed. It is possible to use the newercdx-message
group of classes as a replacement (see the relevant Codex documentation, and an example update), but using locally defined onwiki classes would be best. [9]
Technical project updates
- Next week, all Wikimedia wikis will be read-only for a few minutes. This will start on September 25 at 15:00 UTC. This is a planned datacenter switchover for maintenance purposes. This maintenance process also targets other services. The previous switchover took 3 minutes, and the Site Reliability Engineering teams use many tools to make sure that this essential maintenance work happens as quickly as possible. [10]
Tech in depth
- The latest monthly MediaWiki Product Insights newsletter is available. This edition includes details about: research about hook handlers to help simplify development, research about performance improvements, work to improve the REST API for end-users, and more.
- To learn more about the technology behind the Wikimedia projects, you can now watch sessions from the technology track at Wikimania 2024 on Commons. This week, check out:
- Hackathon Showcase (45 mins) - 19 short presentations by some of the Hackathon participants, describing some of the projects they worked on, such as automated testing of maintenance scripts, a video-cutting command line tool, and interface improvements for various tools. There are more details and links available in the Phabricator task.
- Co-Creating a Sustainable Future for the Toolforge Ecosystem (40 mins) - a roundtable discussion for tool-maintainers, users, and supporters of Toolforge about how to make the platform sustainable and how to evaluate the tools available there.
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MediaWiki message delivery 17 septembrie 2024 03:03 (EEST)
Daca stergi referinta, atunci sterge si informatiile provenite din aceasta. Articol "Spilcuță"
[modificare sursă]Ai sters referinta catre blog, dar ai pastrat toate informatiile provenit din acel articol. In urma adaugarii informatiilor de pe blogul dinbaragan.ro, articolul wikipedia despre spilcuta s-a marit de 4 ori.
Daca tu consideri acele informatii neveridice si blogul ca fiind spam, sursa de neincredere, atunci te rog sa stergi si toate informatiile provenite de la aceasta. Automat nici informatiile nu sunt de incredere.
Link-urile erau catre blog, nu catre magazinul online. Un articol cu informatii importante, verificate si testate nu sunt spam, ci informatii veridice, utile. DinBaragan (discuție) 23 septembrie 2024 01:20 (EEST)
- Realizat.
- Este foarte improbabil ca un blog al unui site de cumpărături să fie o sursă de încredere. --Paloi Sciurala (discuție|contribuții) 23 septembrie 2024 01:28 (EEST)
- Emiti o parere personala, fara temei si logica. Este o diferenta intre site-ul dinbaragan.ro si blogul acestuia dezvoltat exclusiv pentru plantele medicinale.
- La fel este si pe pagina "Roinita". Un link apare in referinte, dar e blog al unui magazin online. http://www.sanatatecuplante.ro/plante-medicinale/r/roinita-melissa-officinalis.html. DinBaragan (discuție) 24 septembrie 2024 04:11 (EEST)
- Se face că există multe exemple de utilizatori care se ocupă cu spamul. --Paloi Sciurala (discuție|contribuții) 24 septembrie 2024 04:40 (EEST)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-39
[modificare sursă]Please be bold and help translate this article!
Independence Day (Albanian: Dita e Pavarësisë) is a public holiday in Albania observed on 28 November. It commemorates the Albanian Declaration of Independence (from the Ottoman Empire), which was ratified by the All-Albanian Congress on 28 November 1912, establishing the state of Albania.
(Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
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--MediaWiki message delivery (discuție) 23 septembrie 2024 03:29 (EEST)
Tech News: 2024-39
[modificare sursă]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Weekly highlight
- All wikis will be read-only for a few minutes on Wednesday September 25 at 15:00 UTC. Reading the wikis will not be interrupted, but editing will be paused. These twice-yearly processes allow WMF's site reliability engineering teams to remain prepared to keep the wikis functioning even in the event of a major interruption to one of our data centers.
Updates for editors
- Editors who use the iOS Wikipedia app in Spanish, Portuguese, French, or Chinese, may see the Alt Text suggested-edit experiment after editing an article, or completing a suggested edit using "Add an image". Alt-text helps people with visual impairments to read Wikipedia articles. The team aims to learn if adding alt-text to images is a task that editors can be successful with. Please share any feedback on the discussion page.
- The Codex color palette has been updated with new and revised colors for the MediaWiki user interfaces. The most noticeable changes for editors include updates for: dark mode colors for Links and for quiet Buttons (progressive and destructive), visited Link colors for both light and dark modes, and background colors for system-messages in both light and dark modes.
- It is now possible to include clickable wikilinks and external links inside code blocks. This includes links that are used within
tags and on code pages (JavaScript, CSS, Scribunto and Sanitized CSS). Uses of template syntax{{…}}
are also linked to the template page. Thanks to SD0001 for these improvements. [11] - Two bugs were fixed in the GlobalVanishRequest system by improving the logging and by removing an incorrect placeholder message. [12][13]
- View all 25 community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week.
Updates for technical contributors
- From Wikimedia Enterprise:
- The API now enables 5,000 on-demand API requests per month and twice-monthly HTML snapshots freely (gratis and libre). More information on the updates and also improvements to the software development kits (SDK) are explained on the project's blog post. While Wikimedia Enterprise APIs are designed for high-volume commercial reusers, this change enables many more community use-cases to be built on the service too.
- The Snapshot API (html dumps) have added beta Structured Contents endpoints (blog post on that) as well as released two beta datasets (English and French Wikipedia) from that endpoint to Hugging Face for public use and feedback (blog post on that). These pre-parsed data sets enable new options for researchers, developers, and data scientists to use and study the content.
In depth
- The Wikidata Query Service (WDQS) is used to get answers to questions using the Wikidata data set. As Wikidata grows, we had to make a major architectural change so that WDQS could remain performant. As part of the WDQS Graph Split project, we have new SPARQL endpoints available for serving the "scholarly" and "main" subgraphs of Wikidata. The query.wikidata.org endpoint will continue to serve the full Wikidata graph until March 2025. After this date, it will only serve the main graph. For more information, please see the announcement on Wikidata.
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MediaWiki message delivery 24 septembrie 2024 02:37 (EEST)
[modificare sursă]Salut, n-ar merita puse în blacklist o parte din site-urile pe care le-ai scos azi-noapte din articole? Strainu (دسستي) 24 septembrie 2024 18:05 (EEST)
- Încerc. --Paloi Sciurala (discuție|contribuții) 24 septembrie 2024 18:44 (EEST)
- Am adăugat câteva. Însă mai sunt destule, la cât spam neanulat s-a acumulat de-a lungul anilor. Exemplu. Mi se pare că mai demult spamul nu era anulat cu atâta rigurozitate ca acum. Și ceea ce complică treaba și mai mult sunt legăturile spam mascate ca referințe și cele folosite ca referințe, dar trecute la „Legături externe”. --Paloi Sciurala (discuție|contribuții) 24 septembrie 2024 19:19 (EEST)
- Într-adevăr, în trecut spamul nu era „vânat” atât de aspru la noi. Această modalitate facilă de a-și asigura publicitate și trafic, împreună cu posibilitatea de a publica autobiografii (după modelul oferit chiar de unii administratori) și articole de cercetare originală lipsite de referințe și bibliografie, făceau ca proiectul nostru să fie mult mai „atractiv” pentru o categorie largă de utilizatori oportuniști. Cei care se plâng acum de scăderea popularității proiectului și a numărului de utilizatori activi ar trebui să aibă în vedere și aceste aspecte. --Pafsanias (discuție) 24 septembrie 2024 20:13 (EEST)
- Iar spamerii știu că nimeni nu se uită în secțiunile „Note” și „Bibliografie”, așa că își „citează” „sursele” în secțiunea „Legături externe”. Și ca editările lor să pară legitime, trântesc și un bloc de text, de multe ori copiat direct de pe site-ul lor (nu are rost să mai precizez ce probleme au astfel de texte). --Paloi Sciurala (discuție|contribuții) 24 septembrie 2024 20:30 (EEST)
- Într-adevăr, în trecut spamul nu era „vânat” atât de aspru la noi. Această modalitate facilă de a-și asigura publicitate și trafic, împreună cu posibilitatea de a publica autobiografii (după modelul oferit chiar de unii administratori) și articole de cercetare originală lipsite de referințe și bibliografie, făceau ca proiectul nostru să fie mult mai „atractiv” pentru o categorie largă de utilizatori oportuniști. Cei care se plâng acum de scăderea popularității proiectului și a numărului de utilizatori activi ar trebui să aibă în vedere și aceste aspecte. --Pafsanias (discuție) 24 septembrie 2024 20:13 (EEST)
- Am adăugat câteva. Însă mai sunt destule, la cât spam neanulat s-a acumulat de-a lungul anilor. Exemplu. Mi se pare că mai demult spamul nu era anulat cu atâta rigurozitate ca acum. Și ceea ce complică treaba și mai mult sunt legăturile spam mascate ca referințe și cele folosite ca referințe, dar trecute la „Legături externe”. --Paloi Sciurala (discuție|contribuții) 24 septembrie 2024 19:19 (EEST)
Întrebare de la Alex E. Berca (26 septembrie 2024 19:43)
[modificare sursă]Bună ziua, Mă numesc Alex Berca, Sunt doctor în științe economice și politice. Am finalizat recent un studiu socio-economic și politic referitor la: LUMEA ÎN CARE TRĂIM. Unde și cum pot trimite CUPRINSUL acestui studiu în vederea publicării . --Alex E. Berca (discuție) 26 septembrie 2024 19:43 (EEST)
Întrebare de la Alex E. Berca (26 septembrie 2024 21:27)
[modificare sursă]Bună ziua, Sunt doctor în științe economice și politice. Cum și unde pot trimite CUPRINSUL studiului pe care l-am finalizat de curând pentru a fi publicat la o editură din România? Vă mulțumesc anticipat pentru răspunsul Dvs. A.B. P.S. Nu am pretenții la drepturi de autor ! --Alex E. Berca (discuție) 26 septembrie 2024 21:27 (EEST)
- @Alex E. Berca: Întrebarea dvs. nu are legătură cu Wikipedia. Wikipedia nu este, oricum, locul potrivit pentru astfel de întrebări. --Paloi Sciurala (discuție|contribuții) 27 septembrie 2024 15:47 (EEST)
Wikimedia Foundation Bulletin September Issue 2
[modificare sursă]Upcoming and current events and conversations
Talking: 2024 continues
- "Wikimania Katowice coverage travels around the world" – a curated list of community and media coverage of Wikimania 2024. Over 100 pieces so far have been published about the event.
- WikiForHumanRights will lead a conversation about the future of the campaign with the Africa region on September 25 at 15:00 UTC.
- Let’s Connect: “Technology for Language Diversity in Wikimedia” will take place on September 26 at 15:00 UTC.
- Wikisource Conference 2025, the deadline for scholarship applications has been extended to September 29.
- Big Fat Brussels Meeting 9 will be held in Brussels, Belgium from September 29–30.
- WikiConference North America will be held in Indianapolis, USA from October 3–6.
- WikiIndaba Conference 2024 will be held in Johannesburg, South Africa from October 4–6.
- Wikimedia Technology Summit (WTS 2024): will be held in Hyderabad, India from October 4–5.
- ESEAP Community Call will be held on October 6 at 07:00 UTC.
- Wikimedia+Libraries International Convention 2025 is accepting submissions until October 6.
- The Language and Product Localisation team is hosting two office hours to discuss this year's plans and gather feedback from event organizers. The first session is October 5 at 16:00 UTC (Europe-Africa-Americas friendly), and the second is on October 6 at 03:00 UTC (Asia-Pacific friendly).
Annual Goals Progress on Infrastructure See also newsletters: Wikimedia Apps · Growth · Research · Web · Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia · Tech News · Language and Internationalization · other newsletters on Mediawiki.org
- MediaWiki Product Insights: The latest edition includes details about: research about hook handlers to help simplify development, research about performance improvements, work to improve the REST API for end-users, and more.
- Tech News: Find out about the new automated Special:NamespaceInfo page, the latest Wishlist focus area, Template recall and discovery, and more recent tech updates.
- Wikidata Query Service: A new change to Wikidata Query Service will impact certain uses. The project will enter a transition period until the end of February 2025. For more details, visit the announcement page.
- Wikimedia Enterprise: Enhanced Free API Accounts: Recurring Credits and More Frequent Updates, early beta release of Structured Contents in Snapshot API, and early beta dataset release to Hugging Face.
- Wikifunctions: Status updates from September 20.
- Wikipedia Mobile Apps: Over 20,000 images have been added via the "Add an Image" feature on both iOS and Android (T372954)!
- Knowledge is Human: Read about ongoing work on the 2024 iteration of the "Knowledge is Human" public awareness campaign
- Server Switch: A server switch was completed successfully on September 25 with a read-only time of only 2 minutes 45 seconds.
Annual Goals Progress on Equity
See also a list of all movement events: on Meta
- Wikimedia Research Showcase: Watch the latest showcase with the theme of Curation of Wikimedia AI Datasets.
- Conference and Event Fund: Updates and changes to the Conference and Event Fund program beginning in September 2024.
Annual Goals Progress on Safety & Integrity
See also blogs: Global Advocacy blog · Global Advocacy Newsletter · Policy blog
- UN Summit of the Future Action Days: Watch the Wikimedia event titled "The Power of the Commons: Digital Public Goods for a more secure, inclusive, and resilient world" at The Summit of the Future. This is expected to result in a negotiated Global Digital Compact, which represents the final phase of our movement-wide campaign to impact the text of the Global Digital Compact.
- Wikipedia and the Digital Services Act: Lessons on the strength of community and the future of internet regulation.
Foundation statements
Other Movement curated newsletters & news
See also: Diff blog · Goings-on · Wikimedia World · Signpost (en) · Kurier (de) · other newsletters:
- Topics: Education · GLAM · The Wikipedia Library
- Wikimedia Projects: Milestones · Wikidata
- Regions: Central and Eastern Europe
Previous editions of this bulletin are on Meta. Let askcacwikimedia.org know if you have any feedback or suggestions for improvement!
MediaWiki message delivery 27 septembrie 2024 20:10 (EEST)
Wikipedia translation of the week: 2024-40
[modificare sursă]Please be bold and help translate this article!
The wildlife of the archipelago of Bahrain, is more varied than might be expected of this small group of islands in the Persian Gulf. Apart from a strip of the north and west of the main island, where crops are grown with irrigation, the land is arid. With a very hot dry summer, a mild winter, and brackish groundwater, the plants need adaptations in order to survive. Nevertheless, 196 species of higher plant have been recorded here, as well as about seventeen species of terrestrial mammals, many birds and reptiles, and many migratory birds visit the islands in autumn and spring.
(Please update the interwiki links on Wikidata of your language version of the article after each week's translation is finished so that all languages are linked to each other.)
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--MediaWiki message delivery (discuție) 30 septembrie 2024 04:57 (EEST)
Tech News: 2024-40
[modificare sursă]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Updates for editors
- Readers of 42 more wikis can now use Dark Mode. If the option is not yet available for logged-out users of your wiki, this is likely because many templates do not yet display well in Dark Mode. Please use the night-mode-checker tool if you are interested in helping to reduce the number of issues. The recommendations page provides guidance on this. Dark Mode is enabled on additional wikis once per month.
- Editors using the 2010 wikitext editor as their default can access features from the 2017 wikitext editor by adding
to the URL. If you would like to enable the 2017 wikitext editor as your default, it can be set in your preferences. [14] - For logged-out readers using the Vector 2022 skin, the "donate" link has been moved from a collapsible menu next to the content area into a more prominent top menu, next to "Create an account". This restores the link to the level of prominence it had in the Vector 2010 skin. Learn more about the changes related to donor experiences. [15]
- The CampaignEvents extension provides tools for organizers to more easily manage events, communicate with participants, and promote their events on the wikis. The extension has been enabled on Arabic Wikipedia, Igbo Wikipedia, Swahili Wikipedia, and Meta-Wiki. Chinese Wikipedia has decided to enable the extension, and discussions on the extension are in progress on Spanish Wikipedia and on Wikidata. To learn how to enable the extension on your wiki, you can visit the CampaignEvents page on Meta-Wiki.
- View all 22 community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week.
Updates for technical contributors
- Developers with an account on Wikitech-wiki should check if any action is required for their accounts. The wiki is being changed to use the single-user-login (SUL) system, and other configuration changes. This change will help reduce the overall complexity for the weekly software updates across all our wikis.
In depth
- The server switch was completed successfully last week with a read-only time of only 2 minutes 46 seconds. This periodic process makes sure that engineers can switch data centers and keep all of the wikis available for readers, even if there are major technical issues. It also gives engineers a chance to do maintenance and upgrades on systems that normally run 24 hours a day, and often helps to reveal weaknesses in the infrastructure. The process involves dozens of software services and hundreds of hardware servers, and requires multiple teams working together. Work over the past few years has reduced the time from 17 minutes down to 2–3 minutes. [16]
Meetings and events
- October 4–6: WikiIndaba Conference's Hackathon in Johannesburg, South Africa
- November 4–6: MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference Fall 2024 in Vienna, Austria
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MediaWiki message delivery 1 octombrie 2024 01:20 (EEST)
Results from the survey about the tools on Wikimedia projects by the CEE Hub
[modificare sursă]Hi everyone,
During August 2024, we sent you a survey about the tools, so now we would like to bring to your attention the conclusions and results from the survey, which you can explore on this Meta page.
I hope you will enjoy exploring the mentioned tools on the page, along with other conclusions from the survey. Thanks for your time, and we will continue working on this important topic. --MediaWiki message delivery (discuție) 7 octombrie 2024 15:10 (EEST)
Tech News: 2024-41
[modificare sursă]Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Weekly highlight
- Communities can now request installation of Automoderator on their wiki. Automoderator is an automated anti-vandalism tool that reverts bad edits based on scores from the new "Revert Risk" machine learning model. You can read details about the necessary steps for installation and configuration. [17]
Updates for editors
- Translators in wikis where the mobile experience of Content Translation is available, can now customize their articles suggestion list from 41 filtering options when using the tool. This topic-based article suggestion feature makes it easy for translators to self-discover relevant articles based on their area of interest and translate them. You can try it with your mobile device. [18]
- View all 12 community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week.
Updates for technical contributors
- It is now possible for
code blocks to offer readers a "Copy" button if thecopy=1
attribute is set on the tag. Thanks to SD0001 for these improvements. [19] - Customized copyright footer messages on all wikis will be updated. The new versions will use wikitext markup instead of requiring editing raw HTML. [20]
- Later this month, temporary accounts will be rolled out on several pilot wikis. The final list of the wikis will be published in the second half of the month. If you maintain any tools, bots, or gadgets on these 11 wikis, and your software is using data about IP addresses or is available for logged-out users, please check if it needs to be updated to work with temporary accounts. Guidance on how to update the code is available.
- Rate limiting has been enabled for the code review tools Gerrit and GitLab to address ongoing issues caused by malicious traffic and scraping. Clients that open too many concurrent connections will be restricted for a few minutes. This rate limiting is managed through nftables firewall rules. For more details, see Wikitech's pages on Firewall, GitLab limits and Gerrit operations.
- Five new wikis have been created:
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
MediaWiki message delivery 8 octombrie 2024 02:43 (EEST)
Wikimedia Foundation Bulletin October Issue 1
[modificare sursă]Upcoming and current events and conversations
Talking: 2024 continues
- WikiArabia Conference 2024 will be held in Muscat, Oman, from October 25 to 27.
- WikiConvention francophone 2024 will be held in Québec, Canada, from November 2 to 3.
- AffCom, Case Review Committee (CRC) and the Ombuds commission (OC) are seeking new member applications from October 14.
Annual Goals Progress on Infrastructure
See also newsletters: Wikimedia Apps · Growth · Research · Web · Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia · Tech News · Language and Internationalization · other newsletters on Mediawiki.org
- Tech News: Updates on Dark Mode, Vector 2022 skin, CampaignEvents extension, and more on tech news.
- Translation suggestion: Sign up to participate in the test project, Translation suggestions: Topic-based & Community-defined lists, which will help organisers identify and add relevant content based on high-impact topics to their Wikipedia.
- Wikifunctions: Status updates from September 26.
- Wikipedia Apps: Check out the latest issue of the Apps Quarterly Newsletter!
Annual Goals Progress on Equity
See also a list of all movement events: on Meta
- WikiWomen Summit: Event summary at Wikimania 2024.
- Let's Connect: Watch recordings of the session Technology for Language Diversity in Wikimedia.
- WikiLearn: The latest online learning opportunities created by Wikimedians for Wikimedians.
- Indonesia: Training for Indonesian Wikipedia Administrators to Safeguard Knowledge Integrity Ahead of the Regional Elections
Annual Goals Progress on Safety & Integrity
See also blogs: Global Advocacy blog · Global Advocacy Newsletter · Policy blog
- Mexico: Wikimedia Foundation files amicus brief in Mexico urging continued use of intermediary liability protections for user-generated content in Richter v. Google.
- Paraguay: Wikimedia Foundation to Paraguayan Supreme Court: Do not allow people to abuse the law to suppress legitimate information
- Global: Celebrating a legal victory in Germany against censorship, reflections on Open Culture strategic workshop, and more global advocacy updates.
Board and Board committee updates
See Wikimedia Foundation Board noticeboard · Affiliations Committee Newsletter
- Board Governance: Update from Wikimedia Foundation Board Governance Committee, a proposal to ask for help and co-creation in Movement Charter Mapping Exercise.
Other Movement curated newsletters & news
See also: Diff blog · Goings-on · Wikimedia World · Signpost (en) · Kurier (de) · Actualités du Wiktionnaire (fr) · Regards sur l’actualité de la Wikimedia (fr) · Wikimag (fr) · other newsletters:
- Topics: Education · GLAM · The Wikipedia Library
- Wikimedia Projects: Milestones · Wikidata
- Regions: Central and Eastern Europe
Previous editions of this bulletin are on Meta. Let askcacwikimedia.org know if you have any feedback or suggestions for improvement!