Aceasta este pagina de documentație pentru Format:Edit filter warning. Pagina descrie modul de folosire al formatului și conține categoriile de care acesta aparține, precum și orice altceva ce nu face parte din formatul propriu-zis.
|filter= the number of the filter that uses this message, if several filters use it, use |filter2=, |filter3=, etc, 5 maximum. Only visible in the AbuseFilter interface.
|action= – the type of filter. Acceptable values are warn disallow deauto block degroup.
|friendly= – yes changes the display slightly to be a little less bitey.
|text= the text of the message.
{{edit filter warning
|action = warn
|friendly = yes
|text = You've done something unconstructive, but we don't want to bite you
You've done something unconstructive, but we don't want to bite you
{{edit filter warning
|action = warn
|friendly =
|text = You've done something unconstructive, and we're more sure that it's not constructive
You've done something unconstructive, and we're more sure that it's not constructive
{{edit filter warning
|action = disallow
|friendly = yes
|text = You've done something unconstructive and we're stopping you, but we don't want to bite you
You've done something unconstructive and we're stopping you, but we don't want to bite you