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Discuție:Biserica lui Isus Hristos a Sfinților din Zilele din Urmă

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(Redirecționat de la Discuție:Biserica lui Isus Hristos a Sfinţilor din Zilele din Urmă)
Ultimul comentariu: acum 16 ani de Richwales în subiectul Re
Articolul Biserica lui Isus Hristos a Sfinților din Zilele din Urmă este un subiect de care se ocupă Proiectul Creștinism, un spațiu de organizare pentru dezvoltarea articolelor despre creștinism Dacă doriți să participați la acest proiect, vă rugăm să vă înscrieți aici.
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Numele bisericii

[modificare sursă]

Biserica SZU foloseşte ortografia Hristos (nu Christos) în numele său. Vedeţi, de exemplu, pagina web a bisericii în română ([1]). Richwales 14 august 2007 07:04 (EEST)Răspunde

Strâmbări grozave

[modificare sursă]

This article does not properly represent the beliefs of the LDS Church at all. It looks like it was based almost entirely on anti-Mormon literature. This article desperately needs to be rewritten by someone who can explain the subject in a fair and neutral manner. I would try to do this myself, but my command of Romanian isn't good enough for the task. You (the re-writer) might want to consult the English-language article on the LDS Church, which does a much better job of describing and explaining the church and its teachings. If you feel you need additional material in order to present a balanced view, the English-language article about criticism of Mormonism may be useful. Richwales 15 august 2007 00:06 (EEST)Răspunde

I´ve also seen the South Park episode on Mormons, maybe it can help. :D "I´m afraid it was the Mormons. Yes, the Mormons were the right answer"... --Venator 15 august 2007 00:45 (EEST)Răspunde

Am scris, din nou, secţiunea despre istoria mormonilor. Secţiunea despre credinţele bisericii trebuie încă să fie rescrisă într-un stil cinstit şi neutru, pentru că textul actual nu reprezentă deloc potrivit ceea ce cred şi învaţă mormonii. Richwales 16 august 2007 08:53 (EEST)Răspunde


[modificare sursă]
  • I don´t know if it´s right to say that Jehova´s witnesses are "small" compared to the Mormon Church.
  • "învaţă că o duce Isus Hristos de când biserica a fost fondată în 1830" - that is, The Church teaches that its leader is Jesus Christ, since its foundation in 1830 ?
  • We should have an article about Joseph Smith. --Venator 3 septembrie 2007 13:29 (EEST)Răspunde
Thanks, Venator, for fixing up the stuff I just added to the article.
When I talked about „alte biserici mici”, I was trying to convey the idea that both Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses are both small compared to the Orthodox Church, or even the Roman Catholic Church.
Yes, the LDS Church does indeed teach that it has been led by Jesus Christ since its founding in 1830 — albeit indirectly, through the earthly leaders of the church. Virtually every "general conference" (mass instructional / inspirational gathering held in Salt Lake City twice a year and broadcast to LDS Church members around the world) includes more than one speaker who will remind the membership that "Christ stands at the head of this church".
The standard formula used by the English-speaking LDS Church to describe its top-level earthly leaders (the First Presidency and the Twelve Apostles) is "prophets, seers and revelators". I've seen LDS literature in Romanian which translates this phrase as „profeţi, văzători şi revelatori”. For what it may be worth, the word văzător is used in the Old Testament (1 Samuel 9 — Cornilescu translation).
When we (Mormons) talk about "faith in Jesus Christ" as one of the prerequisites for salvation (where you changed my original choice of „încredere” to „credinţă”), I want to make sure it's understood that, to us, "faith" necessarily includes the notions of confidence and trust — not simply a passive belief in a set of facts, but a degree of belief which prompts someone to act in accordance with their belief. If I were writing this same material in English, I would not feel comfortable talking about "belief in Jesus Christ" in this particular context — "belief" wouldn't say it clearly or strongly enough for me. But if you feel „credinţă” adequately expresses the concept of active faith, as opposed to mere passive belief, then I'm willing to have faith in your judgment (after all, you know this language a lot better than I do).
I'd like some feedback on something I wrote last night which you didn't change. I referred to plural marriage (polygamy) as „aceasta poruncă demodată”, but I'm wondering whether „demodat” really was the word I was looking for here. We (Mormons) don't really view polygamy as "outdated", "obsolete", or "old-fashioned"; it's more like we believe our predecessors were commanded to practise polygamy in the 1800's, but the commandment was withdrawn, suspended, or rescinded, and we believe that we have been commanded not to practise it any more (and those who insist on doing so today are expelled from the church). How would you suggest describing what we see as a "former commandment" in Romanian?
I would certainly welcome an article in the Romanian Wikipedia about Joseph Smith — as long as it wasn't based on the same dubious source of "information" that the original article on the Mormon Church used.
Richwales 3 septembrie 2007 19:49 (EEST)Răspunde


[modificare sursă]
  • I don´t think church size matters in this case, you can be ignorant about bigger churches as well
  • Then I will go with "văzător" here, I didn´t know exactly what you meant
  • To make a long story short, you have „încredere” in a human, you have „credinţă” only in God; if people don´t do what they say, it´s not the fault of the word, which in Romanian does mean active, true faith
  • About "demodat", it´s better to explain clearly what happened, rather than find just one suitable word
  • If you have time, you can begin the article on Joseph Smith yourself, I´ll see what I can do --Venator 3 septembrie 2007 20:28 (EEST)Răspunde

I really wouldn't agree with describing the plural marriage doctrine with „care era datorată unei neînţelegeri a învăţăturii”. The standard LDS position is that plural marriage was a genuine commandment from the Lord, but that in 1890 He instructed His prophet (the President of the Church, at that time a man named Wilford Woodruff) to have the membership of the Church stop practising it. The commandment, as we understand it, was real (and, more or less, properly understood), but the commandment to stop was also real. We could get into a lot of complicated historical debate over this issue if we really wanted to, but maybe it might be best simply to say that „Biserica a interzis căsătoria plurală în anul 1890”, and I'll edit the text in that fashion for the time being. Richwales 7 septembrie 2007 02:04 (EEST)Răspunde