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Name: Jeremy the Rat


Jeremy the Rat


Once upon a time, in a cozy little town nestled between rolling hills and lush forests, there lived a peculiar little rat named Jeremy. Jeremy wasn't your ordinary rat; he had a twinkle in his eye and a mischievous grin that set him apart from the rest of his rodent friends.

Jeremy lived in the attic of an old bakery owned by Mrs. Pumpernickel, a sweet old lady who had a soft spot for all creatures, big and small. Despite her gentle nature, Mrs. Pumpernickel was not fond of having rats scurrying around her bakery. However, Jeremy was different. He never stole food or caused trouble; instead, he simply enjoyed exploring and observing the world around him.

Jeremy's favorite pastime was listening to the stories told by the bakery's customers. From his hiding spot in the rafters, he would eavesdrop on conversations about faraway lands, daring adventures, and heartwarming tales of friendship and love. These stories ignited a sense of wonder and curiosity in Jeremy's heart, and he often dreamed of embarking on his own grand adventure.

One day, while Jeremy was out foraging for crumbs in the alley behind the bakery, he stumbled upon a small, tattered book lying among the trash. Curious, he picked it up and dusted it off with his tiny paws. To his delight, the book turned out to be a collection of tales about brave knights, cunning thieves, and mystical creatures.

As Jeremy flipped through the pages, he felt a surge of excitement course through him. He knew in that moment that he was destined for greatness, just like the heroes in the stories he loved so much. Determined to live out his own adventure, Jeremy decided to leave the safety of the bakery and set off into the unknown.

With a makeshift knapsack slung over his shoulder and a heart full of courage, Jeremy bid farewell to Mrs. Pumpernickel and his cozy attic home. He ventured into the vast world beyond the town, eager to explore new lands and make his mark on the world.

Jeremy's journey was filled with thrilling escapades and chance encounters with all manner of creatures. Along the way, he crossed paths with a band of merry mice, helped a lost sparrow find its way home, and even outwitted a cunning fox with his quick wit and clever thinking.

As Jeremy traveled farther and farther from home, he encountered challenges and obstacles that tested his resolve. But through it all, he remained steadfast in his determination to become the hero of his own story.

Eventually, after many months of traveling, Jeremy stumbled upon a hidden valley nestled between towering mountains. The valley was lush and verdant, teeming with life and wonder. It was a place unlike any Jeremy had ever seen, and he knew in his heart that he had finally found his true home.

In the valley, Jeremy built a cozy burrow beneath a towering oak tree and spent his days exploring the forest, making new friends, and living out his own adventure. And though he may have been just a small rat in a big world, Jeremy knew that he was destined for greatness, for he had discovered that the greatest adventures of all begin with a single step into the unknown.

First appearence: "The Great adventures of Jeremy the Rat"

Book author:Dr. Seuss

Publish date of book:2001, september 11

Biografy: Jeremy is 9 years old in rat world, equivalent to 45 years in human life. He had two brothers, Rickie and Rocky, and a cousin, Mela.His parents died in a cheese car accident, and his granda died while piloting an airplane, which crashed into two massive flour boxes.