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Eleonora Brigalda Barbas[modificare | modificare sursă]

Eleonora Brigalda Barbas (January 14, 1959, Calarasi, Republic of Moldova) is a distinguished artist of the Republic of Moldova, painter, art critic, doctor of art studies, and university professor in the Republic of Moldova.

Books[modificare | modificare sursă]

  • Brigalda-Barbas, E., Pavel Șillingovski. Bessarabian artists from 20th century, Ed.ARC,Chișinău 2005,96 p. ISBN 9975613934, 9789975613934
  • Brigalda-Barbas, E., The Evolution of art in Republic of Moldova.(1945-2000), Ed.Știința,Chișinău 2002,111 p. ISBN 9975672914, 9789975672917
  • Brigalda-Barbas, E., Igor Vieru. Bessarabian artists from 20th century, Ed.ARC,Chișinău 2006,96 p. ISBN 9975610964

Awards[modificare | modificare sursă]

  • 2015 National Award of Republic of Moldova, Government of Republic of Moldova no.569 from August 19, 2015 [1]
  • 2012 "Italy 2012" prize for art, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
  • 2011 "Mihai Eminescu" prize, from "Mihai Eminescu" museum, Union Artist of Romania, Iasi
  • 2010 Honorary Title “Om Emerit” [2]
  • 2010 Special Award for Painting, Union Artist of Romania, Iasi
  • 2005 Union of Artists of Moldova Award
  • 2003 Union of Artists of Moldova Award
  • 1997 "OMEGA" Award at the exhibit "Saloanele Moldovei", Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
  • 1996 Republic of Moldova Ministry of Education Award
  • 1982 “Limba noastră cea română” Award, in Latin Union competition, Chisianu, Republic of Moldova

Membership[modificare | modificare sursă]

She is a member of the Artists Association of the Republic of Moldova and a member of the International Association of Fine Arts IAA-AIAP UNESCO.

Critic Reviews[modificare | modificare sursă]

"In a recent editorial, focused on a new and original vision of Igor Vieru's life and work is the monograph "Igor Vieru", signed by the author Eleonora Brigalda-Barbas, doctor of art studies, dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design of the Pedagogical State University "Ion Creangă. The monographs have been presented and thoroughly analyzed in a series of paintings, graphics, drawings, and studies previously unknown to the general public. Representing a logical continuation of the "Bessarabian Masters Collection of XX century", the monograph "Igor Vieru" both in its magnitude and in the quality of the selected material, is an essential contribution to the study of national art." [4]

"Eleonora Brigalda excels in her landscapes paintings, her works are focusing on a chromatic and gestural tensions that reveal the lively experience, the compositional pathos and, last but not least, the obvious desire to merge with the motif with the pictorial matter -"Cave monasteries", "Sea Echo", "Chrysanthemums" bring extra vibration and exaltation to the creator and equally to the artist/artist being also a critic of art." [5]

"Tilted to a world of symbols, suggestions, in which the mineral has a primordial role, Eleonora Brigalda practices a painting with a slightly dualistic note, given, on the one hand, by the contrivance and color filling with the static nature, especially the coils, and the fulness of the drawing and the craving, post-expressionist poem, if you like, of its landscapes, which breathes a fresh scent. The painter has an exceptional chromatic range, which she uses gracefully and aplomb at the same time." [6]

"Nostalgia of the common past, the fundamental myths of the nation are elements that characterize an identity, but also the need for a consciousness of identity. Explicit in context, Eleonora Brigalda Barbas's appetite for image and symbol recovery of the Cucutenian culture, which employs a monumental triptych, where the evocation has the force of impact of monumentality and profundity as dominant. The palette of the painter is linked to the colors of the earth in agreement with the matter of the Cucuteni vessels and the ancestral idols. The spiritualized decorations of the worship vessels of utility only return to the surface of recent times as a testimony to the ancestry's creativity. Intellectual, ravished, inventive and ingenious, Eleonora Brigalda Barbas makes the Cucutenian motive a nostalgic value recovery, being animated by a sense of fullness. Her monumental triptychs evoke at the same time the illustrious founders of medieval Moldova, Stefan cel Mare being regarded in the greatness of deeds of bravery, but also of that of Christian spirituality. Such compositions have the vitality of symbolic structures where the idea of ​​perenniality becomes the argument of the whole ensemble. The other compositions of the artist exploit in various graphic-chromatic formulations the level of the culture of painting, the mastery achieved by brilliant studies and an original vision. The imaging architecture suggests the rational solidity of the ensemble, the geometry of the axes, and the clarity of the ideas that glisten in subtle and coherent chromatic combinations. Thus it aspires to the harmony of ancient music. Stylistic versatility makes it permeable invariants in the key to weighted modernity and defines it as an artist dubbed by an intellectual." [7]

"Eleonora Brigalda, a remarkable artist with full artistic maturity, proves, as always, a rare openness to the tradition of a vibrant chroma, faux, animated by the obsession to express through a dense colorful color a vivid, tumultuous, passionate interior. In her personal mythology, a fundamental place is the agglutination of silvestric, vegetal and geological motifs in a spectacular cosmological ensemble, as well as the theme of spiritual, religious and ethnic identity. Let us remember, from this last perspective, the artist's effort to transfigure. In the works that require, a sympathetic viewer, identity topics of the most serious, articulated on the need to resuscitate, artistically a collective memory loaded with tragic events. All the memories mediated by the artistic creation brings with it, at least, a beginning of healing - that is the phylosophical finality of works like "Adio. Deportation "or" Moldova ", designed as traumatic meditations about the destiny so hardly tried by its own people." [8]

"Eleanor Brigalda's works are governed by an obvious architectural structure, which imposes the condition of perception of monumentality. Sometimes more restrained in color, sometimes more generous, her paintings are more than the language of expression than collecting impression, and on a thematic level they obviously have to recover the "lost" spiritual values ​​or the forgetfulness related to the tumultuous but also unusually the generous history of Bessarabian lands" [9]

"Eleonora Brigalda's practical experience includes works on the ancestral themes that come to develop the spiritual origins of our people, the primordial authentic values. The ideological message from the "marine" and "archaic" canvas reveals the analytical thinking and the cosmogonic view of the author on the world, which is also reflected in his theoretical approach to the study of national painting." [3]

"Eleonora Barbas, for example, passes from the concrete of the reason in the space of a metaphysical person where the topos has the substance of ideality. The firm, cunning coat gives color the main role alongside the tension of emotional involvement. The van Gogh flavorings mean the imaginative force and passion." [10]

  1. ^ „Au fost desemnați laureații Premiului Național, ediția 2015”. Accesat în 12 06.16.  Verificați datele pentru: |access-date= (ajutor)
  2. ^ Monitorul Oficial Nr. 153-154 art Nr : 538. „DECRET Nr. 499 din 18.08.2010 privind conferirea de distincții de stat”. Accesat în 12-08-16.  Verificați datele pentru: |access-date= (ajutor)