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O roată cu spiţe aflată la Muzeul Naţional al Iranului, din Tehran. Roata a fost excavată la Choqa Zanbil, fiind datată ca fiind produsă în mileniul al II-lea târziu.

The wheel reached Europe and India (the Indus Valley civilization) in the 4th millennium BC. In China, the wheel is certainly present with the adoption of the chariot in ca. 1200 BC, and Barbieri-Low (2000) argues for earlier Chinese wheeled vehicles, circa 2000 BC. Whether there was an independent "invention of the wheel" in East Asia or whether the concept made its way there after jumping the Himalayan barrier remains an open question.

Some archaeologists argue for the European origin of the wheel on an axle.[1] It is claimed that natural conditions of Europe (hard-surface plains making it difficult to drag heavy loads as well as plenty of timber used by skilled craftsmen in every aspect of life) provided the best background for the invention of a wheel used for transport. The chronology of the oldest known specimens and representations of wheels and/or wheeled vehicles suggest that the invention may have been made in Europe no later than in the first half of the 4th millennium BC. The prototype for the wheeled wagon was most probably "traga na szpuli" which was a primitive sledge with wooden logs put underneath. Through contacts and migration the invention was spread to the peoples from the regions of the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. From there, it reached Mesopotamia in the late 4th millennium BC. This could explain why in the Near East even the oldest wagons were already relatively highly diverse and sophisticated and no evidence of evolutionary stages of their development there have been found yet.

Although they did not develop the wheel proper, the Olmec and certain other western hemisphere cultures seem to have approached it, as wheel-like worked stones have been found on objects identified as children's toys dating to about 1500 BC.

John Jay (December 12 1745May 17 1829) was an American politician, statesman, revolutionary, diplomat, and jurist. Considered one of the "founding fathers" of the United States, Jay served in the Continental Congress, and was elected President of that body in 1778. During and after the American Revolution, he was a minister (ambassador) to Spain and France, helping to fashion American foreign policy and to secure favorable peace terms from the British and French.