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This is the template documentation page for each of the pages listed below.

This page is not necessarily intended to be viewed directly. If it uses variables, some links may appear broken. Do not replace these variables with hardcoded page names or URLs.

This is one of a group of templates used to translate the state name, the abbreviation or the FIPS code from one to the other. These templates are used as follows:

{{FIPSStateName}}– Converts the two-digit FIPS State Code parameter given into the full name of the state, e.g. {{FIPSStateName|32}} returns Nevada

This template produces the full name of the region for the 2-digit FIPS state code or the EAS Code for the Emergency Alert System. It is called with the two-digit code as the parameter.

{{FIPSStateAbbr}}– Converts the two-digit FIPS State Code parameter given into the 2-letter State Abbr., e.g. {{FIPSStateAbbr|32}} returns NV

This template produces the two-letter upper case code of the region for the 2-digit FIPS state code or the EAS Code for the Emergency Alert System. It is called with the two-digit code as the parameter. The reverse template is FIPSCode.

{{FIPSCode}}– Converts the 2-letter State Abbr. to the 2-digit FIPS state code, e.g. {{FIPSCode|NV}} returns 32.

This template produces the two-digit FIPS state code when supplied the two-letter upper case abbreviation for the state. It is called with the two-letter abbreviation as the parameter. The reverse template is FIPSStateAbbr.

{{StateAbbr}}– Convert to two-letter code from full state name, e.g. {{StateAbbr|Nevada}} returns NV

This template produces the 2-letter State Abbr. when given the full name of the US State. It is called with the state name as the parameter. The reverse template is StateName.

{{StateName}}– Convert to full state name from two-letter code, e.g. {{StateName|NV}} returns Nevada

This template produces the full name of the US State when given the 2-letter State Abbr.. It is called with the state name as the parameter. The reverse template is StateAbbr.

Note: If you edit any of these templates (because of name changes or new states) you need to change all of them.

Notă -- Aceat document explicativ al unui format este utilizat pentru documentarea celorlalte format. --> Note -- This Documentation Template is used to document the use of other templates.