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Discuție Utilizator:Quistnix

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De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă

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[modificare sursă]
  • Helló Quistnix! Thanks for coming and your work here. Regards Gangleri | Di | D 2 Feb 2005 02:36 (UTC)
    • Thank you! I don't speak the language, so I try to avoid serious editing ;-) but I think I can understand quite a bit of the headlines here. Quistnix 3 Feb 2005 18:07 (UTC)
  • Please request your bot flag at meta. I support this initiative. -- Mihai | D 23 iulie 2005 17:04 (UTC)
If you don't, I'll block your user account. Sorry - Mihai | D 25 iulie 2005 16:34 (UTC)
OK, I'll do that. Sorry I didn't see this page earlier. My bot account will be RobotQuistnix -- Quistnix 1 august 2005 17:46 (UTC)

171 sau 1710 ??

[modificare sursă]

Când ai pus roboţii, ai făcut o mică eroare: 171 în loc de 1710

171 or 1710 ??

[modificare sursă]

When you put the bots, you made a small error: 171 instead of 1710

(This is the translation of the above, if still interested...) --Vlad 9 august 2005 16:56 (UTC)

Thank you. I already guessed that, but couldn't find the edit of my bot on 171 or 1710. Sorry I never replied. -- Quistnix 12 august 2005 10:15 (UTC)