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Discuție:V.n.nd.r. (N.nd.r.)

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De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă
Ultimul comentariu: acum 5 luni de CarpathianEnjoyer în subiectul Onoguri(Bulgari)

Ce inseamna Vnndr respectiv Nndr? Raspunsul este simplu si nu trebuia cautata prea departe. Ma mir ca le-a scapat cercetatorilor. Cele doua insiruiri de litere reprezinta de fapt numele prescurtate a doua localitati, adica Vnndr ce se citeste "Valea Nandrului", respectiv Nndr ce se citeste Nandru. Aceste doua localitati sunt invecinate si au avut pana in 1989 populatie majoritar ortodoxa. Cele doua localitati sunt situate in vecinatatea Hunedoarei. La data vizitei lui Gardizi, Hunedoara ("hun"-edoara) trebuie sa fi fost preponderent maghiara. Un argument in plus este si precizarea facuta de Gardizi cum ca in zona exista unu munte. In zilele senine, din zona Vnndr respectiv Nndr se vede Muntele Retezat ce domina toata zona. Imaginea Muntelui Retezat in toata splendoarea sa trebuie sa-l fi impresionat pe geograful Gardizi asa cum ne impresioneaza si pe noi acum, in "zilele noastre". Sper ca am fost de folos.

Al dumneavoastra, Tadi

alte texte

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Al Masudi, a contemporary Arab geographer from Baghdad, noted in 932 (making reference to the Byzantine emperor Romanus Lecapenus, who reigned between 920 and 944) that four Turkic peoples, the 'bedjenei', the 'bedjenek', the 'badjgird', and the 'nu.k.r.da" (read: unkariya) had been fighting against each other when their undefended homes were attacked by the inhabitants of a 'Byzantine town' called W.l.n.d.r (read: Wlandur, from Lándor or Nándor, the Hungarians' name for the Bulgars). The four peoples thereupon joined forces and killed many of the people of 'Wlandur'. Although the Byzantine emperor led a great army to save the 'town', it was invested and sacked by the attackers, who took the inhabitants into captivity and proceeded to devastate the Byzantine Empire all the way to Constantinople. This account, which muddles up the names of peoples, 'towns', and countries, has inspired a variety of interpretations, but scholars now tend to conclude that it concerns only two 'Turkic' peoples, the Hungarians and the Pechenegs, who were attacking the Bulgars, a.k.a Lándors, at a time when the latter were getting support from Byzantium.


[modificare sursă]

Find acesti oameni numiti nndr, cel mai probabil se refera la nandor, cum erau numiti onoguri de catre maghiari.

Astept raspuns. CarpathianEnjoyer (discuție) 5 februarie 2024 19:24 (EET)Răspunde

plus, asta ca nndr ar insemna valea nandrului...doar reafirma idea ca nddr inseamna nandor, pentru ca nandru vine de la nandor CarpathianEnjoyer (discuție) 5 februarie 2024 23:17 (EET)Răspunde