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Articolul Comuna Apahida, Cluj este un subiect de care se ocupă Proiectul Localitățile din România, un spațiu de organizare pentru dezvoltarea articolelor despre localitățile din România Dacă doriți să participați la acest proiect, vă rugăm să vă înscrieți aici.
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Fragment de tradus din engleză şi adăugat în articol:

                                     APAHIDA - PAST AND PRESENT

The country of Cluj which its main city, Cluj-Napoca, is situated dat the meeting point of the Somes Plateu, The Plain of Transilvania and the Mountains of Apuseni . The territory of the country is placed between 46/25’ northern latitude and 22/40’ and 24/16’ eastern longitude. The relief is hilly. Among the Hills of Cluj and Dej, the Feleacul Hill and the Plain of Transilvania there is a very district corridor, created by the River Somesul Mic and named the Corridor of the Somesul Mic. The locality of Apahida is situated in this region at a distance of 14 km from Cluj-Napoca. Apahida is one of the biggest villages of the county, being about 107 km/2 in size and having a number of 2.939 farm-houses, 3579 dwelling houses, 8783 inhabitants, according to the last census from the year 2002. Apahida consists of the following villages: Apahida (4.577 inhabitants), Bodrog (81 inhabitants), Campenesti (56 inhabitants), Pata (568 inhabitants), Sannicoara (1.634 inhabitants), and Subcoasta (99 inhabitants). The relief of Apahida is interwoven with hills, having slight slopes, which are suitable for the crop. The River Somesul (15m/3/2/year) offers good condition for the agriculture of the inhabitants of the villages Apahida and Sannicoara. The climate is temperate continental, specific to these hilly regions from the Northen and Western part of the country. The main important winds are those ones from north-west and west, having an average value of the speed of 4,3m/s from north-west and 3,8 m/s from west. January is the coldest month with an average temperature of -4,6grade C. July is the hottest month with an average temperature of 18,9 grade C. The snowy period usually lasts 60-65 days/year. The vegetation is dominated dy woods which alternate with grasslands, hay fields and pastures. The proofs, which are sustaining the age of the village, date back to the period of the Dacians, in fact the second Iron Age (latene). The oldest object of this type (in the 4th century BC) was discovered in an old cemetery of Celtic origin from Apahida. It is a bronze helement, plated with gold. The Celtic presence is sustained by the old graveyard from Dezmir, herein the three graves there were discovered Celtic origin from Apahida. It is a bronze helmet, planted with gold. The Celtic presence is sustained by the old graveyard from Desmir, where in the three graves there were discovered Celtic objects: clay pottery, a bronze clasp and an iron sword. According to these discoveries we can speak about a Dacian settlement beginning with the 3rd century BC. From the Roman period we have the the following discoveries: pottery, carvings of stones and gravestones. The archeological researches speak about a Roman rural settlement, “village rustic”, very close to the River Somesu Mic. There were also discovered stones, pottery, objects of glass and metal, coins etc. the oldest pieces of the treasury found at Apahida date back to the time of Nero (54-68 AD). The most recent coin is from Balbius (238 AD). It is the most important ancient treasure from the region of Cluj. It is supposed that it belonged to an administrator of the estate .We also have discoveries from the period of the migrations. First the locality of Apahida was certified in 1263, when the name of the village Apahida is mentioned as belonging to the Benedict Monastery Cluj-Manastur. The name Apahidacomes from the composition of the Hungarian words “apat” (monk) and “hid” (bridge)referring to the bridge of the monks, where a tax was collected for passing the bridge. The village Pata is certified in 1315 with the name of Patha, the village Dezmir is certified in 1315 under the name of Dezmer, Corpadea is mentioned in some official documents from 1215 as Villa Kurnod and finally for the village Sannicoara there is a document from1363 where it appears as Villa Zenthmiklos. This name comes from St. Nicholas, the popular from of it being Sannicoara. All the social movements of the past impressed the people of this village. The year 1848 is marked by the sacrifice of the ten people, who were executed. The name of the priest Elisei Moga from Apahida can be fond among the members of delegation who sustained the Memorandum at Vienna in 1894. the two world wars brought out the sacrifice but at the same time the heroism of the villages. The school and the church represented the axis of the development of this village. The religious schools had a very important role in the education of the children. The religious school from Apahida was certified in 1857. The priest and the teachers served the local community having an important role in the development of the village. The traditions, the popular port also contributed to the character of de village. Today Apahida fulfilled all the conditions for reaching the status of a town. The gas was introduced, the problem of the water and canalization whas solved. The school “Stefan Pascu” was changed into high school and we can notice the outline of a modern village center. The effort of the Mayoralty, the Local Council and of the all inhibitants of the village turned Apahida into a locality which fulfilled all the expectations and requirements of 21st century.

--R O A M A T A 2007 mesaj 6 ianuarie 2007 23:56 (EET)Răspunde

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