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Typhlops angolensis

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Typhlops angolensis
Clasificare științifică
Regn: Animalia
Încrengătură: Chordata
Subîncrengătură: Vertebrata
Clasă: Reptilia
Ordin: Squamata
Familie: Typhlopidae
Gen: Typhlops
Specie: Typhlops angolensis
Nume binomial
Typhlops angolensis

Rhinotyplops angolensis CHIRIO 2006[1]
Typhlops ochraceus LAURENT 1952[2]
Typhlops blanfordi LOVERIDGE 1942[3]
Typhlops kaimosae LOVERIDGE 1935[4]
Typhlops lestradei WITTE 1933
Typhlops intermedius SCHMIDT 1923[5]
Typhlops tornieri STERNFELD 1923
Typhlops dubius CHABANAUD 1916[6]
Typhlops adolfi STERNFELD 1910[7]
Typhlops congicus BOETTGER 1887[8]
Onychocephalus angolensis BOCAGE 1866[9]

Typhlops angolensis[9] este o specie de șerpi din genul Typhlops, familia Typhlopidae, descrisă de Bocage 1866.[10][11] Conform Catalogue of Life specia Typhlops angolensis nu are subspecii cunoscute.[10]

  1. ^ Chirio, Laurent and Ivan Ineich (2006) Biogeography of the reptiles of the Central African Republic., African Journal of Herpetology 55(1):23-59.
  2. ^ Laurent, R. F. (1952) Reptiles et batraciens nouveaux de la région des Grands Lacs africains., Rev. Zool. Bot. afr., Bruxelles, 46 : 269-279
  3. ^ Loveridge, A. (1942) Scientific results of a fourth expedition to forested areas in east and central Africa. IV. Reptiles., Bull. Mus. comp. Zool., Cambridge, 91: 237-373
  4. ^ Loveridge, A. (1935) Scientific results of an expedition to rain forest regions in Eastern Africa. I. New reptiles., Bull. Mus. comp. Zool., Harvard 79: 1- 19.
  5. ^ Schmidt, K. P. (1923) Contributions to the herpetology of the Belgian Congo based on the collection of the American Museum Congo Expedition, 1909-1915. Part II. Snakes, with field notes by Herbert Lang and James P. Chapin., Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. 49 (1): 1-146
  6. ^ Chabanaud,P. (1916) Enumération des Ophidiens non encore étudiés de l'Afrique occidentale, appartenant aux Collections du Muséum avec le description des espèces et des variétés nouvelles., Bull. Mus. natn. Hist. nat. Paris 22: 362-382 [377]
  7. ^ Sternfeld,R. (1910) Neue Schlangen aus Kamerun, Abessynien und Deutsch-Ostafrika., Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 5: 67-70
  8. ^ Boettger, OSKAR (1887) Diagnoses reptilium novorum ad ilI. viro Paul Hesse in finnibus fluminis Congo repetorum., Zool. Anz. 10 (267): 649-651
  9. ^ a b Bocage,J.V. du B. (1866) Lista dos reptis das possessões portuguezas d'Africa occidental que existem no Museu Lisboa., Jorn. Sci. Math. Phys. Nat. Lisboa 1: 37-56
  10. ^ a b Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (). „Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. Accesat în . 
  11. ^ TIGR Reptile Database . Uetz P. , 2007-10-02