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Marja-Liisa Kirvesniemi

De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liberă
Marja-Liisa Kirvesniemi
Date personale
Născută (69 de ani)[1][2] Modificați la Wikidata
Simpele⁠(d), Kymen lääni⁠(d), Finlanda Modificați la Wikidata
Căsătorită cuHarri Kirvesniemi () Modificați la Wikidata
Număr de copii2 Modificați la Wikidata
CopiiElisa Kirvesniemi[*] Modificați la Wikidata
Cetățenie Finlanda Modificați la Wikidata
Ocupațieschioară de fond[*] Modificați la Wikidata
Înălțime176 cm  Modificați la Wikidata
Greutate70 kg  Modificați la Wikidata
ȚarăFinlanda  Modificați la Wikidata
SportSchi fond  Modificați la Wikidata
ClubSimpeleen Urheilijat[*][[Simpeleen Urheilijat (Finnish sports club)|​]]  Modificați la Wikidata
Titluri și realizări
Jocuri olimpiceski de fond aux Jeux olympiques de 1992[*][[ski de fond aux Jeux olympiques de 1992 (1992 edition of the cross-country skiing competitions during the Olympic Winter Games)|​]]
langrenn under Vinter-OL 1994[*][[langrenn under Vinter-OL 1994 (1994 edition of the cross-country skiing competitions during the Olympic Winter Games)|​]]
cross-country skiing at the 1988 Winter Olympics[*][[cross-country skiing at the 1988 Winter Olympics (1988 edition of the cross-country skiing competitions during the Olympic Winter Games)|​]]
Olympische Winterspiele 1976/Skilanglauf[*][[Olympische Winterspiele 1976/Skilanglauf (1976 edition of the cross-country skiing competitions during the Olympic Winter Games)|​]]
cross-country skiing at the 1980 Winter Olympics[*][[cross-country skiing at the 1980 Winter Olympics (1980 edition of the cross-country skiing competitions during the Olympic Winter Games)|​]]
Ski-VM 1982[*][[Ski-VM 1982 (1982 edition of the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships)|​]]
Nordische Skiweltmeisterschaft 1985[*][[Nordische Skiweltmeisterschaft 1985 (1985 edition of the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships)|​]]
Hiihdon maailmanmestaruuskilpailut 1989[*][[Hiihdon maailmanmestaruuskilpailut 1989 (1989 edition of the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships)|​]]
Campionati mondiali di sci nordico 1991[*][[Campionati mondiali di sci nordico 1991 (1991 edition of the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships)|​]]
Världsmästerskapen i nordisk skidsport 1993[*][[Världsmästerskapen i nordisk skidsport 1993 (1993 edition of the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships)|​]]
cross-country skiing at the 1984 Winter Olympics – women's 5 km[*][[cross-country skiing at the 1984 Winter Olympics – women's 5 km (women's 5km events at the Olympics)|​]]
cross-country skiing at the 1984 Winter Olympics – women's 10 km[*][[cross-country skiing at the 1984 Winter Olympics – women's 10 km (women's 10 km events at the Olympics)|​]]
cross-country skiing at the 1984 Winter Olympics – women's 20 km[*][[cross-country skiing at the 1984 Winter Olympics – women's 20 km (women's 20 km events at the Olympics)|​]]
cross-country skiing at the 1984 Winter Olympics – women's 4 x 5 km relay[*][[cross-country skiing at the 1984 Winter Olympics – women's 4 x 5 km relay (women's 4 × 5 kilometre relay events at the Olympics)|​]]  Modificați la Wikidata
Prezență online

Marja-Liisa Kirvesniemi (născută Hämäläinen; n. , Simpele⁠(d), Kymen lääni⁠(d), Finlanda) este o schioară de fond finlandeză, medaliată olimpică. A participat la 6 ediții ale Jocurilor Olimpice (1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1994) în care a câștigat 3 medalii de aur și o medalie de bronz.

Lista de mai jos prezintă principalele competiții la care a participat Marja-Liisa Kirvesniemi de-a lungul carierei.

  1. ^ Marja-Liisa Kirvesniemi, Česko-Slovenská filmová databáze 
  2. ^ Marja-Liisa Hamalainen, Encyclopædia Britannica Online, accesat în  
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